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Fairfield, ME - 207-441-4981

Iron, sulfur, and manganese are abundant in soil and subsurface rock formations. Although these elements are not associated with health concerns, as little as 0.3 milligrams per liter of iron in your water can give it a reddish appearance, unpleasant taste in the water you drink and food you make with it, and stain clothing and linen you wash in it. Sulfur in drinking water can give it a rotten egg odor, stain your silverware, and corrode pipes. Manganese can cause blackening of the interior of toilets and other water fixtures.

Until recently the most common solution for iron, sulfur and manganese problems involved harsh chemicals, complicated equipment and regular care by the homeowner or water treatment professional. There is now proven, patented technology that uses simple oxidation for sulfur, iron, and manganese removal without chemicals, compressors, aerators and venturis.

This process, now available from Everclean…

  • Reduces high iron and sulfur and other contaminant contents in water.
  • Stops iron staining.
  • Produces clean, odor-free water.
  • Protects water softeners from iron fouling.
  • Protects plumbing fixtures, appliances, and clothing.
  • Protects pipes from iron clogging and black oxidation by sulfur.
  • Eliminates the need for chemical-feed treatment systems.
  • Can maintain a household flow rate of 21 gpm.

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Ready to elevate your home’s water quality?

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